How to Write a BadAss Psychology Today Profile

Writing your Psychology Today profile can be a truly miserable experience. You find yourself tweaking the thing almost daily, and you still don't know what the hell to to write.

Friends, I'm here to help.

Not only do I have a FREE, 5-day video e-course, "Take your Psychology Today Profile From Bad to BADASS," but I also recently did a drawing on my Facebook page for a free PT Teardown. Rachel Kalina was the lucky winner, and this week I've posted the video from our chat. Enjoy!



  • (3:00) Notice how I steered the conversation towards the parents and how they think & talk about their teens - why did I do that?
  • The Creepy Coffee Shop Exercise (6:07) - you can use this to tweak your PT copy so that you're actually using words/phrases that your ideal client uses (no more therapy jargon or psychobabble!).
  • (7:18) Just because you have a ton of experience in something doesn't necessarily mean that should be...
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Donā€™t Make Me Niche Slap You: The Top 5 Reasons to make a Niche your Bitch

So here’s the thing: You’re still not sure about this whole “narrowing down a niche” idea.

Whenever someone asks you about your niche (or your ideal client, or your preferred population, or your target market), a little part of you dies inside.

Lately, you’ve been feeling this pressure to define an exact, specific client population that you will serve for the rest of your life.

Well Fuck. That.

You were trained in models, not people. You learned the importance of taking a client-centered treatment approach so that you could work with a wide variety of clients in many situations. In fact, part of the reason you chose your graduate program was because you knew the training you were going to receive would prepare you to help people in all walks of life, not just one tiny part of the population.

Fast-forward a few years. You’re finally building that private practice you always dreamed of, and you’re daydreaming of being...

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Do This One Thing And Youā€™ll Never Worry About Money AGAIN

So here were are again, folks – the holiday season. While everyone else is humming holiday jingles and buying Dirty Santa presents, you’re sitting alone in your office after you had yet another cancellation.


 What is it with the holidays and people not showing up to their therapy appointments? My theory is that people live in denial during the Holidays, crossing their fingers and hoping for the best as they embark upon what is easily the most stressful time of the entire year. After 3 weeks of disappointment, they come to their senses around the first of January, and suddenly I don’t have an opening until March.

So why do we continue to stress out every December, wondering how we’re going to pay our rent, utilities, subscriptions, and still put food on the table? It’s almost like we forget that December tends to be a slow month, and then we get into a panic when we have 3 days straight of no-shows, cancellations, and clients who reschedule...

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